Thinking Out Loud
ohm’s law

An attempt to combine three iconic illustrations of ohm’s law into one: annotated in german (english coming soon): ORIGINALS: the best: forrest m. mims Getting Started in Electronics >> the water analogy:
Speculating about Piezoresistance

Together with Maurin we have been wondering what exactly goes on inside a piezoresistive material – or where the piezoresistive effect takes place. >> Ideas for why/where changes in resistance are happening by Maurin Donneaud: The information I bring here comes from my intuitions that I have not yet had the time to confirm […]
Unusual E-Textile Techniques

When we think of what is unusual and unusual in our lives, how do we draw the boundaries that define these categories? The idea of preparing a presentation on “UNusual E-Textile Techniques” appealed to me maybe because I feel much of what made e-textiles attractive to me at the start (12 years ago in 2006) […]
Between the Alternative Future and the Reality

A lot of eTextlile/wearables projects are placed in the world of alternative future, like our project “Crying Dress”. These projects probably falls into the category of Critical Design or Speculative Design, where the designers/artists talk about their concern about the current situation by speculating the exaggerated version of that matter in future and design a […]
Starting to Think

For years now we have had this idea to use HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT not only as a platform for documenting our research, designs and workshops, but also for collecting our thoughts, conversations and opinions on the topics of electronic textiles and wearable technology. Over a year ago we added a new category […]